Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Zest is the secret. . ."

"Zest is the secret of all beauty," Christian Dior once said. Ernest Hemingway also said, "Wearing underwear is as formal as I ever hope to get." Whether or not those two quotes have anything in common is beyond me - all I know is that both those quotes inspire me. The Dior quote reminds me that even if I'm not enthralled with my outfit choice of the day, my personality and love for life should transcend any fashion faux pa I might have made. Hemingway's words remind me not to take fashion too seriously and to see the humor in making a fashion faux pa, however heinous it may be.

My personal fashion philosophy revolves around one idea: wear what looks best, but, at the same time, have fun with your outfit choices. I believe that fashion is moving in a direction that sees everything as fashionable. Fashion is becoming what Coco Chanel always saw as fashion - life. Life itself can be fashionable if one takes the time to do it right. If I were to put my thoughts down as they pop into my head, my paragraphs would be random jumbles of ideas for this blog mingled with my unpleasant thoughts toward 65 degree weather and rain in the beginning of June. However, if I took the time to write my thoughts out in coherant sentences, they have the potential to be something great. And that's what fashion is to me. Fashion is silhouettes, patterns, fabrics, and shoes. If done poorly it's disasterous; if time and effort is put into it, the clothes made will be fashionable.

This blog is for those of us who wake up every morning, burst open our closet doors, and dive in to the wonderful wardrobe choices that await us. Those of us who have learned the secret to the "zest" that Dior spoke of. Fashion is a form of entertainment - for entertaining ourselves and the people who surround us. I love it when I see someone walking down the street who's originality in their clothing choice makes me smile. Just letting your personality come through in your clothes is enough to brighten someone's day. If your day is started by putting on something that makes you feel and look great and beautiful that same energy will encourage those you come into contact with.

My biggest hope for this blog is that, as my readers you will not just see it as "that Abbey girl's blog" but part yours too. There is nothing that I will enjoy more than to see my readers interact with what is being posted here. If you love it, hate it, have comments, suggestions, or even pictures to share I welcome them all. I am not writing for myself but for those of you who love fashion enough to take time out of your day to sit down and read this blog; and for that I thank you.


♥ Abbey

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